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Welcome | Bachelor Wine Business Management

Bachelor wine business Mangament IRS


Specialization in Luxury, Gastronomy and Wine Tourism


Become a manager of tomorrow's success stories

Duration : 6 months of courses + 4 to 6 months of internship

Return to school: September 2023

Admission: BAC +2 or experience

Pace : Initial 

Diploma : Bachelor Wine Business Management

Rate : 5900.00 €       


* Thanks to the INNOV EMPLOI EXPERIMENTATION regional financing system

The Bachelor

After being listed as intangible heritage of humanity by UNESCO in 2010, wine is now recognized and considered a heritage of French culture. Its importance, its omnipresence on French territory and its notoriety on the international scene push companies in the wine world to shake up their habits. Thus, the increase in the quality of the winemaker's welcome, the use of luxury codes and the constant association with gastronomy is increasingly part of the daily life of our winegrowers. 


 This Bachelor was built by the Institut Régional de Sommellerie Sud de France to meet the needs of professionals and the evolution of this rapidly changing market. 

Thus, Bachelor’s degree holders areversatile managers, experts in French wines and specialized in local and regional wines, capable of supporting professionals in the world of wine in the development of their activity. The triple specialization in luxury, gastronomy and wine tourism will be a real added value for building future success stories in the world of wine. 

Bachelor Wine business
Bachelor Wine business
Bachelor Wine business
Entry level

Entry level

Bac +2 equivalent


Output level

Bac +3 equivalent

Bachelor’s degree Wine Business

- HACCP certification (in partnership with CMA66)
- WSET level 2 (in partnership with the Ecole des Vins du Languedoc)
- Master Level Sud de France (certificate awarded by the Occitanie region)
- TOEIC (in partnership with the UPVD)
- Certificate of successful completion of the Bachelor's degree issued by the IRS CAMPUS DE THUIR*

*Bachelor delivered only if ALL modules have been validated by the trainee



To give meaning to learning, the alliance between theoretical contributions and practical applications is systematically sought. The teaching team - partly made up of professionals recognized in their profession - offers concrete, varied and professional learning situations.
To discover our equipment, find this information on our pageCampus.

Thuir cave de Byrrh Regional Institute of Sommellerie South of France


Intermediate and final evaluation methods

Throughout the training course, formative assessments, organized in the training center and in the company, make it possible to measure the progress of each learner. Reviews organized each semester provide an opportunity to produce summaries at key stages of the journey.
The BACHELOR validation tests take place during and at the end of training, according to the associated skills standards.
If the candidate obtains the general average at the end of the different evaluation situations, he validates his Bachelor.


Acquire a high level of expertise in wine and management of wine businesses, by mastering the workings of wine tourism, marketing, communication and commercialization. 

Acquire added value in mastering the codes of luxury marketing, gastronomy and winegrower hospitality.


At the end of the training, you will be able to:

- Carry out market research and participate in the development of the strategy

- Create and develop a marketing and wine tourism strategy;

- Build profitable wine tourism offers

- Lead a sales and reception team

- Negotiate contracts and commercial partnerships;

- Develop communication and marketing of the company's wine tourism offers

- Create a small catering activity within a wine estate

- Ensure monitoring and analysis of the profitability of actions carried out

- Manage one or more points of sale

- Welcoming French and foreign customers and hosting wine tourism services;

- Represent a domain or a brand to institutions, clients and partners

Formation professionnelle Institut Régional de Sommellerie


Downloadable PDF version:Download

To become a versatile professional: 

Technique: Viticulture, Oenology, Knowledge of the Wines and Terroirs of France (WSET 2 diploma), Specialization in the Wines and Terroirs of Languedoc-Roussillon (Certification at the Master Level Sud de France, (WSET 2 level)

Management (managerial culture, development of relational skills)

Marketing (strategic and operational),

Communication (Strategy, press relations, social networks, website) 

Marketing (Strategy, distribution networks, customs regulations)


Wine tourism (management, reception, strategy, profitability, foreign languages),

Luxury marketing (high-end codes and positioning),

Gastronomy (Food and wine pairings, French and regional gastronomy, management of a small restaurant within a wine estate) 

THEseminars professionals: 

- Visit to wine estates (P-O)

- Immersion in the wine-growing particularities of the Côte Vermeille-

Visit to the Byrrh Caves

- Visit to wine merchants in the Occitanie region

- Organic, biodynamic and natural wines

- Catalan culture and gastronomy

Tutored projects:

- Organization of an event around the Institute with several workshops to promote local production (mixology, tasting classes, educational visit, etc.)

- Realization of projects for local partners (institutions, wine companies)


- Organization of an event within the IRS CAMPUS DE THUIR
- Work on the wine tourism offer of CAVES BYRRH
- Creation of a website
- Realization of local business projects on different themes: communication, marketing,


Trades :

  • Communications Officer

  • Marketing Manager

  • Wine tourism manager

  • Wine Advisor

  • Business strategy consultant (Viti-vinicole

  • Purchasing manager...

  • Sales cellar manager

Businesses :

  • Wine estate 

  • Cooperative cellar

  • Trader

  • Wine merchant

  • Large distribution

  • Trading house

  • Institution

  • Appellation union


The WSET training module is carried out in partnership with the Ecole des vins du Languedoc, a supplier approved by the WSET;

The HACCP module is provided in partnership with the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of P-O

Languedoc Wine School Partner
partnership chamber of trades PO
Logo Regional Institute of Sommellerie South of France


Registration opens on October 1, 2023

Deadline forreception pre-registration files: December 1, 2023

Logo Regional Institute of Sommellerie South of France

Possible financing: Own funds, professionalization contract, OPCO, Pôle emploi,  

This training interests you and you would like help with your financing file, an advisor can help you

FUNDING 2024 – €0

“The Occitanie Region is committed to training, guidance and employment by supporting innovative projects, thanks to the INNOV EMPLOI EXPERIMENTATION system. The first session of the Bachelor Wine Business Management, Luxury Gastronomy and Wine Tourism specialization, is part of this system, allowing a balance of 0€ for the trainees of the training. * See eligibility conditions »


Finacemnt 0€
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Merci pour votre envoi !

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europe invests in sommelier school

Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund

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