Welcome | Training access procedure


STEP 1 :
After receiving your request for information (email, telephone or contact form), our team will contact you as soon as possible. She will respond to your request and direct you to the training best suited to your needs and/or your professional project. We will also answer all your questions regarding financing your training.
You fill out theonline pre-registration file, attaching your CV, and describing: your motivations, your needs and your professional project.
This step will allow us to validate the prerequisites for your registration, and to adapt our training to the needs of the group of learners.
If you need adaptations, in order to facilitate your entry into training, do not hesitate to mention it in the pre-registration form or to contact our team directly.Disability Referent
Laetitia MATHIEU: administration@campus-thuir.com 04 68 81 82 43
After studying your file, we validate the first step of your registration.
Maximum date ofreceptionfiles: 1 month before the start of training
If you wish to join the Bachelor Wine Business Management: we will invite you to an individual interview with our educational manager. As a principle of fairness, you will be evaluated on the basis of an interview grid over a period of 30 minutes.
If you wish to join a short training course, and your pre-registration file has been validated, we will confirm your training registration.
Following individual interviews, we will confirm your training registration by email or telephone.
We will provide you with a quote and a training agreement or contract. Depending on the financing methods chosen, these documents may take different forms: dematerialization on the KAIROS platform for job seekers, dematerialization on the platform of certain OPCOs* or pdf version for other requests.
Special case Bachelor: Innov Employment Experience file. Your training is fully funded. Our project manager will prepare the necessary documents for your entry into training.
In order to facilitate your access to training, our secretariat supports you free of charge with your administrative procedures and requests for aid to finance your training.
Do not hesitate to contact us: administration@campus-thuir.com
STEP 8: Upon receipt of your payment (own funds) or your agreement to cover your training (by Pôle Emploi, or your OPCO), your registration will be effective.
Your support agreement must be confirmed no later than 15 days before you start training.
STEP 9: Before you start training, you will receive a summary email concerning the organization of your training.